Thursday, 19 April 2012

The final sea front run

So Thursday morning has been and gone with the final seafront run completed. It wasn’t that long ago I was down there running 4 miles thinking I will never get much further than this and no way will i get up to training for the marathon. Now I done 4 miles and didn’t feel like I had got started and it was finishing, and that turn around has probably been in about 6 months. Busy day on the guide dealing with drug rehabs from as far afield as Thailand, New Zealand and South Africa so far today. I know I need to be in contact with a couple in the wonderful USA plus one in Canada later tonight and hopefully will manage to get them done and dusted prior to another early night. Trying to get my body used to them so it’s a little easier to sleep in the hotel Saturday night. That’s before the rude awakening for the marathon very early Sunday morning. 3 Sleeps to go (oh dear) ????


  1. What a privilege it was to be present with most of your training runs and what a blessing it is to be free from active addiction today.

    1. JuJu-Bear ? you could be one of three but which one I have no idea :)
      Have loved the training runs and the brand new running friends made along the way. Couldnt have done any of it without recovery amd all it gives :-)))

  2. :) Juju-Bear just got it, its took me a while to realise thats a play on your name. Cracker ....
