Monday, 4 November 2013

The Simple Approach to the 12 Steps

The Simple Approach to the 12 Steps There's a power that wants me to live.... Step 1: There's a power that will kill me.... Step 2: There's a power that wants me to live.... Step 3: Which do I want? (If you want to die, stop here. If you want to live, go on.).... Step 4: Using examples from your own life, understand that selfishness, dishonesty, resentment, and fear control your actions.... Step 5: Tell all your private, embarrassing secrets to another person.... Step 6: Decide whether or not you want to live that way any more.... Step 7: If you want your life to change, ask a Power Greater Than yourself to change it for you. (If you could have changed it yourself,you would have long ago.).... Step 8: Figure out how to make right all the things you did wrong.... Step 9: Fix what you can without causing more trouble in the process.... Step 10: Understand that making mistakes is part of being human (When you make a mistake, fix it, immediately if you can.).... Step 11: Ask for help to treat yourself and others like you, the way you want your higher power to treat you.... Step 12: Don't stop doing 1 through 11. And PASS IT ON! .... HOW ARE YOU AFFECTED BY THE TWELVE STEPS ?

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Maghaberry prison to get drug rehabilitation unit

Prisoners in Maghaberry jail are to have access to a drug rehabilitation unit that will provide intensive help for those with addiction problems. Prison Service officials said the specialist unit would be the first in the UK when it opens next year. Up to 15 prisoners will be able to participate in 12-week programmes at the unit in Glenn House on the site Justice Minister David Ford also outlined plans to allow women prisoners greater freedom of movement. About 60 women are held in Ash House, at the women's prison and young offenders centre at Hydebank Wood in Belfast.

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Convention Fever

Here we go again deciding what conventions to get to this year and its looking like the only definite is going to be Birmingham.The London is on this weekend and it seems almost everyone from the area has gone up for it, the weather is brilliant which is a surprise as it was snowing yesterday and today the sun is cracking the flags, go figure. Im hoping to remain smoke free and continue with my e-cig starter kit that has so far been working wonders and kept me tobacco free for over 9 months. After being a smoker for almost 40 years I never thought it possible. hope all is well wherever you are and maybe see you at a convention "someone somewhere in the summertime" Warm regards.

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Happy New Year

It was Birmingham again over the holidays for the Narcotics Anonymous new Years eve celebrations which went as smoothly as ever. Its a great way to spend a bit of luxury time in a nice hotel (with good food and facilities) while enjoying what can be a difficult night for those in recovery with plenty of other like minded people. I went with the usual suspects and must say its now become a regular event in the diary for new years eve's to come. I hope it passed without drama or crissis for you all and wish you a clean (maybe)serene new year and may all your problems be little ones. Take care x